This is how MA Creative Marketing was born. Today, I help brands create a constant online presence, as well as apply and teach creative strategies.
In 2021, I had to move to Poznań, Poland, and that's when I rediscovered myself creating content and sharing the world through my eyes. Every detail is an opportunity for creation and connection!
Hi my loves!!
Nice to meet you, I'm Mari Andrade ( @itsmariandrade_ )!!
I'm 27 years old, I live in Poland, I was born in Rio de Janeiro and since I was young the kitchen has been my safe haven, my place to create and experiment.
Ao entrar no mundo da gastronomia, percebi que o marketing poderia ser a chave para compartilhar minhas doces criações com o mundo.
I then decided to dedicate myself to marketing, applying what I learned in promoting Vanilla Patisserie, my old bakery.

So, welcome to my universe, where marketing meets travel, my lifestyle creates unique and memorable experiences that allow me to offer real insights. After all, it's marketing that you live!