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After a few years of experience in digital marketing, my consultancy was created for female entrepreneurs who:

They want a way to attract customers and boost their online business ;
You have an incredible project , but you don't know how to get it off the ground ;
They have difficulty organizing their ideas and want to clarify the next steps ;
We want to create strategic content that truly connects with the public;
They seek to understand what is working (or not) on the Instagram profile .
For entrepreneurs who want to grow and stand out in the digital world.
This creative consultancy is for you!!
Custom Questionnaire:
Antes de nos encontrarmos, você preenche um questionário para que eu entenda o fundo do seu negócio, suas metas e desafios.
Strategic Meeting (2 hours):
A practical and objective conversation, where I present important insights about your profile and ideas for transferring your digital presence.
Full Profile Analysis:
I evaluate bio, visual identity, types of posts, engagement, hashtags, and more. I point out necessary adjustments and opportunities for improvement.

Custom Content Ideas:
I provide strategic content suggestions, aligned with your brand and your audience.
Plano Estratégico para Crescimento:
Criamos juntas um plano claro e objetivo para atrair clientes, aumentar vendas e construir uma presença digital forte e autêntica.
Um perfil alinhado com sua essência e seus objetivos;
Conteúdos que captam atenção e geram conexão verdadeira;
Estratégias práticas que você pode implementar imediatamente;
Mais claro e confiança para crescer no digital.
Why choose
my consultancy?
Personalized approach:
Each tip and strategy is designed for your business.
Proven experience:
Years helping women grow in the digital world.
Resultados práticos
Leave with an action plan that you can implement immediately.

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